Forklifts are an invaluable asset to the construction, commercial and industrial sector; their manoeuvrability, high-performance and reliability allows them to be used in a variety of settings in a multitude of different functions. Due to their diverse usability, to buy a forklift is still very expensive, which is why many are now opting for the cost effective alternative and hiring industrial forklifts Newbury; but where do you find a reliable contractor to hire your forklift from? We here at MJC have the solution.
We specialise in the plant hire industry, and subsequently we have a vast collection of forklifts available to hire. In addition to this, we have steadily acquired an enviable reputation built on the high-quality machinery we rent out and our affordable prices. To give you an idea of the types of forklifts available to hire from us and their hire rates, we have listed a few of them below.
Forklifts Available to Hire & Their Rates
- Auso Rough Terrain Forklift C150H from as little as £60.00 a day or £90.00 a week.
- Auso Rough Terrain Forklift C250h/c300h from as little as £70.00 a day or £140.00 a week
- Clark Forklifts Counter Balance Diesel (1-3 Ton) available from £50.00 a day or £80.00 a week)
- Clark Forklifts Counter Balance Diesel (3.5 – 5 Ton) available from as little as £60.00 a day or £100.00 per week.
- Clark Forklifts Counter Balance Diesel (5.5-10 Ton) available from £100 a day or £250.00 per week.
- Hyster Forklifts Counter Balance Diesel (1-3 Ton) available from £50.00 a day or £80.00 per week
- Hyster Forklifts Counter Balance Diesel (3.5-5 Ton) available from £60.00 per day and £100.00 per week.
- Hyster Forklifts Counter Balance Diesel (5.5-10 Ton) available from as little as £100.00 per day or £250.00 per week.
- Samuk Forklifts Counter Balance Diesel (1-3 Ton) available from as little as £50.00 per day or £80.00 per week.
- Samuk Forklifts Counter Balance Diesel (3.5-5 Ton) available from as little as £60.00 per day or £100.00 per week.
- Samuk Forklifts Counter Balance Diesel (5.5-10 Ton) available from as little as £100.00 per day or £250.00 per week
- Clark Forklifts Counter Balance Gas LPG (1-3 Ton) available from £50.00 per day or £80.00 per week.
- Clark Forklifts Counter Balance Gas LPG (3.5-5 Ton) available from as little as £60.00 per day or £100.00 per week
- Clark Forklifts Counter Balance Gas LPG (5.5-7 Ton) available from £100.00 per day or £250.00 per week.
We realise that forklifts are very useful, whether it’s for moving heavy goods within a warehouse or on a reclamation yard Peterborough. The above is only a small selection of the industrial forklifts Newbury we have for rent, and our rates are subject to change which is why it’s important that you get in touch with us on 0123 576 77 17.
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